SIPA Special Support Unit Took Part in US Marine Corps Training Programme

Members of the SIPA Special Support Unit participated in a seven-day US Marine Corps training programme together with security staff of the US Embassy and members of Sarajevo Canton MoI and Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies B&H.

Today (21/5/2015) – The exercise conducted in the former barracks “Slaviša Vajner Čiča” in Istočno Novo Sarajevo was attended by media representatives and on that occasion, the US Embassy Security Attaché Kevin Murphy, Executive Officer of US Marine Corps Adam Drexler and representatives of the participating police authorities addressed media representatives. 

The US Embassy Security Attaché said that the training was organised in order to further strengthen cooperation, which is excellent, improve training and raise the readiness of units to be able to respond to the challenges they face in their work.

The US Marines Captain noted that this was an excellent opportunity for the promotion of cooperation and partnership and exchange of experience. "We had the opportunity to learn from your institutions and they to learn from us" Drexler said. 

SIPA is particularly satisfied that the members of the SIPA Special Support Unit had the opportunity to participate in the training conducted by Fast Team, the most famous unit of the US Marine Corps.

“This type of training and exchange of experience with members of the US Marine Corps Special Team will improve knowledge and skills of members of the Special Support Unit of SIPA in the field of special operations tactics, which will help them to effectively and professionally respond to all security challenges in future work " Jovica Mirosavljević, Acting Commander of the SIPA Special Support Unit, said.

Media reports on this joint exercise can be viewed here.